27 January 2018

Is the mystery solved? Windows XP intro music: Savage Garden "A Thousand Words"

For 15+ years, something has been bugging me - in a nice sort of way!

When installing Windows XP, there was a lovely piece of electronic music that played, but it is uncredited (and no MP3 tag info) so I never knew who made it. Over the years, people have claimed it was Brian Eno, Bill Brown, and others...

Well, today I have possibly/hopefully found the answer
I'm not 100% sure but the evidence is looking good.

Listen for yourselves & enjoy! Let me know what you think.

UPDATE 19th July 2023: OK, I admit it: I was wrong 😂! The track wasn't by Savage Garden (athough its sounds so very close to "A Thousand Words"), It was actually by a very talented composer: Stan LePard. Thanks for your comments, and thanks to Michael MJD who references this Blog post in his YouTube Vid!.


  1. Yep, Don. I always wondered who wrote that somewhat haunting song. The Savage Garden song came out in 1997, so it clearly came out at the right time. However, other than the chord structure, the Microsoft song is so different in melody. I wonder if a sound engineer or other musician was inspired by the song? If you haven't figured it out yet, it's been bugging me too.

  2. This was actually written for Windows 98 originally. An extended version was made for Windows XP. Here is a link to the original artist's Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/stanlepard/windows-98-velkommen

    Stan Lepard. Makes incidental music for lots of things including Halo, etc...

    1. Thanks "Unknown" - by the looks of things Stan LePard https://soundcloud.com/stanlepard is pretty prolific! Does lots of work for Microsoft - impressive!

    2. actually it was first composed for the IE 3.0 promotional CD
