25 July 2018

Quantum computing: Seven truths you need to know

Quantum computers promise to be able to solve tasks that would be impossible using conventional machines.

But those benefits are still theoretical at present, with quantum computers lacking a sufficient number of processing units, known as qubits, and enough stability to do useful work.

Companies are going to huge lengths to build quantum computers, cooling devices to a few micro kelvins above absolute zero. Even then challenges remain, while IBM has a 50-qubit prototype machine and Google a 72-qubit computer, each has their own roadblocks that prevent them from being truly useful devices at this moment.

Here is the expert view on what quantum computers will and won't be able to do, and the challenges we still face.

Want to know more? Learn about Microsoft's unique approach to Quantum Computing: watch the Future Decoded Quantum Computing Keynote Lecture on YouTube (I was there, it's an excellent video - highly recommended!).

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