05 July 2018

Biking or driving in France this Summer? Better read this then: newly reduced speed limits!

Despite months of rife debate in France, a controversial new measure slashing the speed limit on secondary roads from 90 km/h to 80 km/h came into effect on Sunday 1st July 2018 in a bid to curb crash deaths.

The change affects 400,000 km of France’s roads - two-way, one-lane-each roads without medians, or the 40 percent of the French network where 55 percent of road deaths were reported to have taken place in 2017.

Since the move was announced in January, critics have organised demonstrations to fight it. Pierre Chasseray, of the 40 Millions d’automobilistes group that lobbies on motorists’ behalf, has deemed it “useless” and “political”.

France is a great country to bike or drive through. Great scenery & generally good roads. Wonderful food & drink too (but of course not drinking while driving!). Changing the speed limits is likely to cause short term issues: "Around 11,000 speed signs need to be replaced. In the short term some will be covered".

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