07 May 2024

Bennetts British Superbikes at Oulton Park 4th-6th May 2024


Well that was fun! 

Day 1 Mike & I set off riding from my place early on Saturday, and arrived about 11am @ Oulton Park, what a great circuit! The 1st day was practice & qualifying. Weather was overcast, cool, no rain :0). We stayed for the weekend with a pal (thanks Byron!) who lives in Runcorn (very nice) about 30mins ride from the circuit. We went out for a great meal at Ego Mediterranean Restaurant and Bar, Stockton Heath.

Day 2 was qualifying & racing. Weather was sunny & warm. Lots more folks this day. This was when we got our goodies - a Safety Car lap (really fast - brilliant!), a Pitlane tour, and access to the viewing platform. We rounded off the day with a few beers, nosh up & pub quiz at The Stag at Walton :0).

Day 3 was the big day! Serious racing and a huge turnout. Overcast again but no rain while we were there - not bad for a Bank Holiday, eh? We left early afternoon to beat the rush / bank holiday traffic. Rained during the second half of the trip but our Scott rain gear did it's job, and kept us dry.

Each day the local Lions were running a "helmet & leather" (and luggage etc!) secure storage area - which was a real blessing as lumping all that stuff around for three days would have been grim!

Mahoosive thanks Bennetts - a truly excellent compo win & superb weekend! We usually go to Thruxton BSB each year, first year at Oulton Park - excellent venue but a bit of a trek from Denmead! Motorcycle racing - what a fantastic sport! These riders are sporting heroes & truly straddle the line between genius & crazy. May God Bless & protect 'em all x

The photos from our our trip are here - enjoy!


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