18 February 2022

Reading the Bible is great for your health!

Deep engagement with the Bible can dramatically improve your general health, according to the State of the Bible (SOTB) research by the American Bible Society (ABS). People with higher levels of Scripture engagement have better well-being scores compared to those who are less engaged with the Bible.

Holistic well-being is a measurement of people viewing their personal future with hope. An assessment of well-being is found in the Harvard Human Flourishing index, that includes the categories of Happiness and Life Satisfaction, Meaning and Purpose, Character and Virtue, and Close Social Relationships.

The SOTB research shows that Scripture engagement is a driving factor in higher hope scores. When people are engaged with Scripture on a regular basis, they have more hope and are more ready and willing to forgive others. Connection to the Bible and Christian community provides hurting people with a bridge to hope and healing.


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