04 May 2018

Office365 Webinar: Develop automatic data retention policies #GDPR

Organisations have more data than ever before. But unless they take the right approach, they can end up keeping everything. And that means it's hard to find what you need, or know if sensitive data is under threat, or compromised.

Microsoft Office 365 advanced data governance automates data retention by using intelligence. So you can meet the demands of the GDPR, keep information in case of emergency, find data rapidly – and still only retain what you need to.

In this webinar, you'll learn how you can:
Label sensitive information.
Make sure data goes through a review before being discarded.
Create and action policies.
Automate policies so they're applied across all relevant content.
Watch the webinar now to discover better data governance.

Register for this Microsoft Webinar to see how Microsoft Office 365 can help you to develop automatic data retention policies.

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