It's such a great Blessing to have so many wonderful clients - all 810 of them! Apart from the work (very much appreciated), we have forged some great relationships & friendships along the way. So a huge thank you to all those who have travelled this journey with me. Good Lord willing: here's to many more years!
I started this Blog in 2014 as a way to communicate with my clients & any other passing folk on the InterWebs. I wanted it to be a source of hope through Christian Faith, offer technology advice, tell of my motorcycle madness, be a home to articles about our beloved Calli (sob), and other sometimes random things that I'd thought might be of interest... In those 10+ years the Blog has clicked up over 302,000 hits! Thanks for spending time with me, I hope you found it useful 😃.
To celebrate these 19 years: on Monday 3rd February - I will choose (no favouritism here LOL) one of my clients that I work with on that day to receive a Donline goodie bag & a bottle of bubbly - to celebrate with Kim & me x
UPDATE 5pm 030225: Congratulations to SB of Heathfield! Many thanks to you & your team for 12 years of great business, and being a pleasure to work with! Looking forward to assisting in the future. God Bless 😃
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