29 July 2024

Olympic ceremony's 'Last Supper' sketch never meant to disrespect, says Paris 2024


Paris 2024 organisers "apologised" on Sunday to Catholics and other Christian groups angered by a kitsch tableau in the Olympic Games opening ceremony that parodied Leonardo Da Vinci's famous 'The Last Supper' painting.

Not good enough! 
The people who came up with this sacrilege - need to be sacked. 
Make your voice known: HERE.

Future Fords might detect speeding and report you to the cops

Ford patented tech that would have a vehicle report a driver for speeding. The patent said vehicles would monitor other vehicles using onboard cameras. It's unclear what legal argument Ford would make for the tech if implemented.

A patent application (US-20240239352-A1from the automaker titled "Systems and Methods for Detecting Speeding Violations" was published by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) Jul. 18 2024, and was originally filed by Ford Jan. 12, 2023.

In the application, Ford discusses using cars to monitor each other's speeds. If one car detects that a nearby vehicle is being driven above the posted limit, it could use onboard cameras to photograph that vehicle. A report containing both speed data and images of the targeted vehicle could then be sent directly to a police car or roadside monitoring units via an Internet connection, according to Ford.

Using vehicles for speed surveillance would make cops' jobs easier, as they wouldn't have to quickly identify speeding violations and take off in pursuit, Ford notes in the application. It also means some of that work could be delegated to self-driving cars, which could be equipped to detect speeding violations, the automaker adds.

Meanwhile in other news: Ford saw a $1.1 billion loss in its EV business, dragging Q2 profit well below Wall Street forecast.


27 July 2024

What is wrong with being a solo Christian?


“I don’t like church.” “I can worship God on my own. Why do I need other people?” We hear statements like these, spoken with conviction, and we wonder if they have any validity. Do we need to be involved with other Christians in a local church in order to effectively serve God? After all, salvation is an individual decision. Why afterwards must we involve other people? What’s wrong with flying solo?

It is true that a relationship with God is an intensely personal decision. No one can give us the faith to believe except God (Ephesians 2:8–9John 6:44). Church activity does nothing to impress God or earn His favor. He loves and favors us on the basis of our faith in the shed blood of His Son for our sin (Ephesians 1:7Colossians 1:13–14). Obedience and surrender to the Holy Spirit are individual decisions that cannot be made for us by others. God will hold each of us accountable for our stewardship of all He has given us (2 Corinthians 5:10Matthew 16:27Revelation 22:12).

However, when we enter the family of God by being “born again” (John 3:3), we become “new creatures” (2 Corinthians 5:17). When we experience the new birth, we are like snakes shedding our old skin. Our spirits inflate with the presence of God, and that new Spirit crowds out the old ways. Our desires change. Our outlook changes. Where we once lived only to satisfy ourselves, we now have a longing to please Jesus and glorify Him (1 Corinthians 10:31). If no change occurs after a supposed conversion, it is likely that no regeneration occurred. C. S. Lewis said, “If conversion makes no improvements in a man’s outward actions then I think his ‘conversion’ was largely imaginary.” Part of the change is a desire to be with others who also love and serve Jesus. Being a “solo Christian” is not the norm.

There are several reasons why every born-again believer needs to be involved with other Christians. First of all, the New Testament is filled with admonitions to “love one another”—the “one another” refers to fellow Christians (John 13:34–351 Peter 1:221 John 4:11). Love is not just a noun; it is an action verb (see 1 Corinthians 13:1–8). We are to actively pursue ways in which we can demonstrate unselfish love for each other. “Solo Christians” who avoid association with other believers cannot do that.

Second, most of the books of the New Testament are letters written to churches, not to solo Christians. Although God loves us as individuals, we are collectively referred to in Scripture as “the church” (Ephesians 5:2532). The Epistles, addressed to groups of Christians, include detailed instructions about how members are to conduct themselves within the group. The letters were to be read corporately and are best understood in the context of a church working together. As a unit, Christians are the “bride of Christ” (2 Corinthians 11:2Revelation 19:7). Most of the New Testament is instruction on how the “bride” can ready herself for her groom, Christ.

We are also called the “body of Christ.” This body has many parts, just as a physical body does (1 Corinthians 12:27). One body part cannot exist on its own. The heart cannot go solo; the chin cannot survive on its own. Any one part needs the participation of all the other parts in order to function successfully. The same is true for the members of the body of Christ. Jesus equips each one with certain gifts that He wants us to use to benefit the whole (see 1 Corinthians 12:12–30). Romans 12:4–5 says, “For just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, so in Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others.” There is no room in this passage for solo Christians.

A third reason solo Christianity is not a good idea is that we need the encouragement and accountability provided by our brothers and sisters in Christ. Often, those who shun involvement in a local church live with major blind spots and spiritual strongholds that they are only mildly aware of. Because they do not make themselves accountable to other believers, solo Christians have no one to strengthen their weaknesses. Flaws such as pride, greed, envy, anger, and a judgmental spirit often grow unchecked in the heart of one who rejects spiritual oversight from those who could gently guide him back to obedience (Galatians 6:1).

The solo Christian is a loner also misses out on preaching, corporate worship times, and opportunities to serve. Proverbs 27:17 says, “As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.” We grow sharper as useful tools for God when we learn from each other, pray for each other, and invest ourselves in the lives of others. Local churches offer many opportunities in which to use our gifts to serve others and glorify God. Avoiding such connections weakens the solo Christian as well as the local body.

Finally, we have a powerful enemy who “walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour” (1 Peter 5:8). The lion metaphor works in Scripture because God’s people are often referred to as sheep (Psalm 95:7100:31 Peter 2:25Mark 6:34). As any good shepherd knows, the sheep are safest when they stay with the flock, under the watch-care of a kind shepherd. First Peter 5:2 exhorts pastors with this: “Be shepherds of God’s flock that is under your care, watching over them.” A pastor is called the shepherd of the flock. It is his responsibility before God to nurture, protect, and encourage the sheep God has entrusted to him. A lone sheep, separated from the flock, is vulnerable to the enemy. Wolves and lions don’t usually attack a healthy flock. They wait for one who lags behind, isolated from the shepherd and the safety of the fold.

Christians need to involve themselves with other believers in order to remain healthy and productive. Satan cannot steal a soul that belongs to God (John 10:29), but he can render our lives useless for the kingdom by convincing us that we don’t need fellowship, spiritual encouragement, or challenge from anyone else. He likes to stir up trouble, bitterness, disappointment, pride, and a critical spirit to keep lone sheep away from the flock (Ephesians 4:30–311 Peter 2:1Colossians 3:5–10). Then he attacks them with discouragement, temptation, and deception to eliminate any heavenly treasure that loner could have stored up for himself (Matthew 6:2010:41Luke 12:33Revelation 22:12). We will spend all eternity worshiping with other redeemed saints of God. We might as well learn to enjoy it now.


The annual "System Administrator Appreciation Day" is the 28th July. Show your love!

Your network is secure, your computer is up and running, and your printer is jam-free. Why? Because you’ve got an awesome System Administrator keeping your business up and running. So say IT loud; say IT proud

Happy SysAdmin Day! Wait… what exactly is SysAdmin Day? Oh, it’s only the single greatest 24 hours on the planet… and pretty much the most important holiday of the year. It’s also the perfect opportunity to pay tribute to the heroic men and women who, come rain or shine, prevent disasters, keep IT secure and put out tech fires left and right.

At this point, you may be thinking, "Great. I get it. My sysadmin is a rock star 😂. But now what?" Glad you asked! Nice n' easy, & no cost to you at all: give Donline some feedback (please)...

As a valued Donline client, I would like to invite you to go to this link (Trustpilot) & offer honest feedback on my services. If you have previously submitted feedback - I thank you 💖.


26 July 2024

An open letter from Sonos regarding the "new" app


To our listeners,

We know that too many of you have experienced significant problems with our new app which rolled out on May 7, and I want to begin by personally apologizing for disappointing you. There isn’t an employee at Sonos who isn’t pained by having let you down, and I assure you that fixing the app for all of our customers and partners has been, and continues to be, our number one priority. 

We developed the new app to create a better experience, with the ability to drive more innovation in the future, and with the knowledge that it would get better over time. However, since launch we have found a number of issues. Fixing these issues has delayed our prior plan to quickly incorporate missing features and functionality.  

Since May 7, we have released new software updates approximately every two weeks, each making significant and meaningful improvements, adding features and fixing bugs. Please see the release notes for Sonos software updates for detailed information on what has been released to date.

While these software updates have enabled the majority of our customers to have a robust experience using the Sonos app, there is more work to be done. We have prioritized the following improvements in our next phase of software updates:

July and August:
Improving the stability when adding new products
Implementing Music Library configuration, browse, search, and play

August and September:
Improving Volume responsiveness
User interface improvements based on customer feedback
Improving overall system stability and error handling

Improving Alarm consistency and reliability

September and October:
Restoring edit mode for Playlists and the Queue
Improving functionality in settings 

We plan to continue releasing new software updates on a bi-weekly cadence. With each release, we will share detailed notes on what we’ve addressed and what we’re working on next in our Community.

We deeply appreciate your patience as we address these issues. We know we have work to do to earn back your trust and are committed to doing it.  I am always open to your feedback. You can find me via email at ceo@sonos.com.

Sincerely, Patrick Spence

Update 080824: Addressing blowback from Sonos' wildly unpopular app redesign will cost the company $20 to $30 million "in the short term"


25 July 2024

How to add insult to injury: CrowdStrike offers a $10 apology gift card to say sorry for outage


CrowdStrike, the cybersecurity firm that crashed millions of computers with a botched update all over the world last week, is offering its partners a $10 Uber Eats gift card as an apology, according to several people who say they received the gift card, as well as a source who also received one.

On Tuesday, a source told TechCrunch that they received an email from CrowdStrike offering them the gift card because the company recognizes “the additional work that the July 19 incident has caused.” 

“And for that, we send our heartfelt thanks and apologies for the inconvenience,” the email read, according to a screenshot shared by the source. The same email was also posted on X by someone else. “To express our gratitude, your next cup of coffee or late night snack is on us!”


Reading for today: On Forgiveness

We say a great many things in church (and out of church too) without thinking of what we are saying. For instance, we say in the CreedI believe in the forgiveness of sins.” I had been saying it for several years before I asked myself why it was in the Creed. At first sight it seems hardly worth putting in. “If one is a Christian,” I thought, “of course one believes in the forgiveness of sins. It goes without saying.” But the people who compiled the Creed apparently thought that this was a part of our belief which we needed to be reminded of every time we went to church. And I have begun to see that, as far as I am concerned, they were right. To believe in the forgiveness of sins is not nearly so easy as I thought. Real belief in it is the sort of thing that very easily slips away if we don’t keep on polishing it up.

We believe that God forgives us our sins; but also that He will not do so unless we forgive other people their sins against us. There is no doubt about the second part of this statement. It is in the Lord’s Prayer; was emphatically stated by our Lord. If you don’t forgive you will not be forgiven. No part of His teaching is clearer, and there are no exceptions to it. He doesn’t say that we are to forgive other people’s sins provided they are not too frightful, or provided there are extenuating circumstances, or anything of that sort. We are to forgive them all, however spiteful, however mean, however often they are repeated. If we don’t, we shall be forgiven none of our own.

19 July 2024

Another reason why the cashless society sucks...

Businesses including Waterstones and Gail's have been forced to return to accepting just cash after electronic payments were hit by a web outage.

Shops, cafes, pubs and even Parliament have been impacted by the global systems, forcing customers to use cash to pay for goods and services.

Waitrose told shoppers it was unable to process contactless payments as a global IT outage sparks chaos across the UK.

The middle-class supermarket was understood to only be able to process chip and pin payments or take cash in stores, before confirming its systems were back up and running. Customers reported being told that they would have to get cash out of nearby card machines to pay for shopping. 


Mass IT outage affects airlines, media and banks

A raft of global institutions - including major banks, media outlets and airlines - have reported suffering a mass IT outage.

The US state of Alaska has warned its emergency services are affected, while several of the country's airlines have grounded their flights around the globe.

Sky News UK is completely off air as a result of the issues. Australia - which has been particularly hard hit - has seen broadcast networks scrambling on air as systems failed and supermarkets crippled.

The cause of the outage is unclear, but many of those impacted have linked it to Microsoft PC operating systems.

An official Microsoft 365 service update posted to X earlier in the day said " we're investigating an issue impacting users ability to access various Microsoft 365 apps and services".

However, a Microsoft spokesperson told the BBC on Friday that "the majority of services were recovered" hours earlier.

A spokesperson for Australia's Home Affairs Minister said the outage appears to be related to an issue at global cybersecurity firm Crowdstrike, and the country's cybersecurity watchdog said there is no information to suggest it an attack.

“Our current information is this outage relates to a technical issue with a third-party software platform employed by affected companies," they said in a statement.


10 July 2024

Speed Limiters Now Mandatory In All New EU Cars

Cars have been able to figure out when they're speeding for a while, thanks to GPS as well as traffic sign recognition, and they've also been able to pump the brakes automatically when needed.

Having a computer automatically slow down a car in response to posted speed limits, therefore, was not really a question of technical feasibility for some time - but mandating it has been a question of political will.

That political will has materialized in the European Union, and starting July 7 all new cars sold in the EU will feature intelligent speed assistance (ISA) systems.

The systems themselves have been working their way into newly introduced models of cars starting in 2022, so quite a few new cars on the road already feature them. The July 2024 regulation extends that mandate to all new vehicles being manufactured for sale in the EU.


08 July 2024

Beaulieu Bikers' Day 2024


MikeG & I were very happy to attend Beaulieu Bikers' Day on Saturday 6th July.

I booked my ticket to this event in mid June, barely giving their "early bird ticket" competition a thought. I was bowled over to discover that I'd won a Friends of the National Motor Museum Trust annual pass worth £62.50 and a £250 Dearden Motorcycles voucher. What an amazing pair of prizes!

Mike & I rode up from Denmead. The weather started out with drizzle, and was like that for a chunk of the ride out to the New Forest, but soon perked up. The rest of the day was fine - which was perfect for wandering around Beaulieu & enjoying the day.

We were welcomed by Charlotte who was responsible for organising this event: who with her team had done a grand job! There were masses of visitors, stands from motorcycle dealers, Mental Health Motorbike had a stand, historic bike startups (loud!) great food & drink concessions & access to the excellent museum. What a fantastic day.

Honestly Beaulieu is such a special place: petrol head heaven! Set in a stunningly beautiful village, which in turn is in the heavenly New Forest. Honestly, treat yourself to a wonderful day out. Tell 'em Don sent you!

Google Photos HERE

Google’s Greenhouse Gas Emissions Increased by 48% Since 2019, Thanks to AI Pursuits


Google’s latest annual environmental report reveals the true impact its recent forays into artificial intelligence has had on its greenhouse gas emissions.

The expansion of its data centres to support AI developments contributed to the company producing 14.3 million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalents in 2023. This represents a 48% increase over the equivalent figure for 2019 and a 13% increase since 2022.

“This result was primarily due to increases in data centre energy consumption and supply chain emissions,” the report’s authors wrote.

“As we further integrate AI into our products, reducing emissions may be challenging due to increasing energy demands from the greater intensity of AI compute, and the emissions associated with the expected increases in our technical infrastructure investment.”


03 July 2024

To err is human, but to really foul things up requires a computer. Honestly: what a waste of space!


Wikipedia: Microsoft Copilot is a generative artificial intelligence chatbot developed by Microsoft. Based on a large language model, it was launched in February 2023 as Microsoft's primary replacement for the discontinued Cortana.

The service was introduced under the name Bing Chat, as a built-in feature for Microsoft Bing and Microsoft Edge. Over the course of 2023, Microsoft began to unify the Copilot branding across its various chatbot products, cementing the copilot analogy. At its Build 2023 conference, Microsoft announced its plans to integrate Copilot into Windows 11, allowing users to access it directly through the taskbar. In January 2024, a dedicated Copilot key was announced for Windows keyboards.


01 July 2024

Another fantastic compo win - courtesy of Beaulieu & Dearden Motorcyles

On Saturday 6th July Beaulieu will be holding its first Beaulieu Bikers' Day!

Owners of all makes and models of bike are invited to ride into the grounds of the National Motor Museum and catch up with fellow motorcyclists.

A huge variety of bikes will be on display from cutting-edge sports bikes to powerful three-wheelers PLUS don't miss the exciting historic bike start-ups.

Tickets are just £10 per rider, which includes entry to the whole of the Beaulieu attraction. Book an advance ticket by 2pm Friday 21st June 2024 to enter into our prize draw! (NB: COMPETITION ENTRY IS NOW CLOSED).

Anyone booking an advance ticket before 2pm on Friday 21st June 2024 will be entered into the Advance Ticket Prize Draw. Prizes include a complimentary Friends of the National Motor Museum Trust annual pass worth £62.50 and a £250 Dearden Motorcycles voucher to use in store.

So I booked my ticket, barely giving the compo a thought. I was bowled over to discover that I'd won this amazing prize!

Kim, Calli & I took a trip out to the New Forest last week. Stopped off for a fantastic lunch at The Red Lion, Boldre. Then we popped to Dearden Motorcycles. I was made very  welcome by Julie & Nigel. Wow: the place is like a Tardis! Fairly nondescript from the outside but huge inside with a great selection of brands, bikes & accessories.  The bike that really jumped out at me was the Moto Guzzi V85TT - a truly beautiful bike, I feel a test ride is on the cards! I spent my voucher (with a bit of topping up) on a lovely Spada Lambert leather jacket & pair of Oxford riding jeans. Thanks so much to BeaulieuDearden Motorcycles for this fantastic prize!

Really looking forward to the Biker's Day!


Microsoft confirms recent Windows 11 updates break taskbar


Windows 11 versions 22H2 and 23H2 recently received a non-security update with a bunch of new features and small fixes. Sadly, KB5039302 turned out to be a real troublemaker. Microsoft has already confirmed that it causes infinite restarts on certain systems, and now, there is another known bug.

Microsoft published a new message on its official Windows Health Dashboard website to warn users that KB5039302 is breaking the taskbar on specific Windows 11 editions, namely Windows N.

For those unfamiliar, Windows N is a special version of the operating system with a bunch of media features removed, such as the Windows Media Player app. Microsoft also said that the bug affects customers with regular editions who turned off media features in the "Turn Windows features on or off" UI.

According to Microsoft and the official documentation, affected customers cannot interact with the taskbar, while the rest of the UI and File Explorer continue operating as usual:

After installing the June 2024 Windows preview update (KB5039302), released June 25, 2024, you are likely to face issues with the Taskbar. This issue is only expected to occur if you are using a Windows N edition device or if you turn off the ‘Media Features’ via Control Panel->Programs-> Programs and Features -> Turn Windows features on or off. N editions of Windows include the same functionality as other editions of Windows, except for media-related technologies, Windows Media Player, and certain preinstalled media apps.

You might not be able to view or interact with the Taskbar after logging in to your device once the update is installed. Other applications like File Explorer, Desktop and Settings will continue to work.

Microsoft is working on a resolution, which will be available in a future update. As a reminder, KB5039302 is no longer available for download - Microsoft pulled it after confirming reports about infinite restarts.
