29 April 2024

Action video of Calli getting her spa treatment!


Calli has just been to Sammy's perfect pets grooming salon for her regular wash 'n' brush up - and got a full works upgrade! They made Calli a video star to boot!

What a great team @ Sammy's perfect pets - they really care for their furry clients. Such a blessing that they are right here in Denmead! Well done ladies - see you again in June!


All Saints Church Denmead - a loving Christian Community in Hampshire


A Christian church is not a building – it is primarily a community of people who, together and individually, are on a journey of faith. The building provides a focal point for prayer and learning about God, and for celebrating his greatest gift to us – His Son, Jesus.

We warmly welcome newcomers… So whether you are visiting, are newly arrived in the area or have been living in Denmead for years, there is always a special welcome for you here.

There is always a lot going on at All Saints, but in all of it our aim is to KNOW God, GROW in faith and commitment, and SHOW the love of God to those around us. (See more of our Vision and Values here.)

The church is a lively part of a thriving village and its members are active in sport, uniformed organisation, schools, politics, music, charities and interest groups of every sort. We also support the church and other good causes world-wide through fund-raising events, learning and prayer. We maintain overseas links with the Diocese of Kofridua, Ghana. There is a pastoral care group to help in bereavement, sickness and other types of need - and while we speak of need - your Church needs you too.


Smart gadgets: Tougher rules for sellers of internet connected devices in the UK

Manufacturers will have to follow stricter rules if they want to sell "smart" gadgets in the UK after a new law came into effect.

It is designed to ensure there is better security around devices such as baby monitors, televisions and speakers that are linked to the internet. These gadgets can pose a risk because cyber-criminals use them to hack into home networks and steal private data. The government said the new law should give consumers "peace of mind".

The risks have ballooned in recent years as our houses have filled with more and more web-linked smart devices - from games consoles to fitness trackers, doorbells and even dishwashers, also sometimes referred to as the "internet of things" (IoT).

Until now, manufacturers were expected to follow security guidelines, but the new law makes three new requirements:

  • that password procedures are more secure, including ensuring any set by the manufacturer are not left blank or using easy-to-guess choices like "12345" or "admin"
  • that there is clarity around how to report "bugs" or security problems that arise
  • that manufacturers and retailers inform customers how long they will receive support, including software updates, for the device they are buying

Failure to meet these minimum requirements, known as the Product Security and Telecommunications Infrastructure (PSTI) regime, can trigger fines.


26 April 2024

Bennetts British Superbike Championship (BSB) is back & we are off to Oulton Park as a compo win!!!


The Bennetts British Superbike Championship (BSB) continues to assert itself as the greatest domestic bike series in the world, and a producer of some of the sport's hottest properties.

The Bennetts BSB bikes average more than 180bhp and are capable of reaching 200mph. If you haven't witnessed the atmosphere first hand, the explosive acceleration off the line or the riders rubbing elbows at incredible speeds - then you really should!

Bennetts BSB has a huge following of fans who follow the championship around the UK, and that is a testament to the teams and riders who push themselves and their bikes to the limit, whilst never forgetting that they're racing to entertain the massive crowds at the circuits.

As a loyal Bennetts bike insurance customer & a massive compo hound: I'm Blessed to have won two general admission weekend tickets to Oulton Park, safety car lap, & a pit lane tour! Not bad eh! So matey Mikey & I are off "up North" next weekend. More details to follow soon 😀 👍


25 April 2024

Apparently being Prez puts you above the law LOL!

Presidents could be immune from prosecution even if they assassinate a political rival or stage a coup, a lawyer acting for Donald Trump has claimed. 😂😂😂

The former president’s legal team are arguing at the Supreme Court today that he is immune from charges for allegedly seeking to overturn the results of the 2020 election because it fell within the scope of his official acts.

Asked if a president could be shielded from prosecution if they ordered the killing of a rival they believed was corrupt, D. John Sauer answered: “That could well be an official act.”

When pressed on whether a president could order a military coup to remain in power, he said this would depend on the circumstances.

Some justices seemed inclined to agree that presidents were entitled to a degree of immunity. However, Samuel Alito, a conservative justice, said the argument that a president could legally order a Seal team to assassinate a rival was “implausible”.


Thy Kingdom Come 2024: 9th - 19th May

Thy Kingdom Come (TKC) is a global ecumenical prayer movement that invites Christians around the world to pray from Ascension to Pentecost for more people to come to know Jesus.

Since it began in May 2016,  God has grown TKC from a dream of possibility into a movement which unites more than a million Christians in prayer, in nearly 90% of countries worldwide, across 85 different denominations and traditions- so that friends and family, neighbours and colleagues might come to faith in Jesus Christ.

Every person, household and church are encouraged to pray during the 11 days in their own way.

It is our hope & prayer, that those who have not yet heard the Good News of Jesus Christ and His love for the world, will hear it for themselves and respond and follow Him.

Specifically, we again invite each and every Christian across the globe to pray that God’s Spirit might work in the lives of 5 people who have not responded with their ‘Yes’ to God’s call.

Whether you have joined in ‘Thy Kingdom Come’ before or not, we invite you to take part & join in.

In praying 'Thy Kingdom Come' we all commit to playing our part in the renewal of the nations and the transformation of communities." Archbishop Justin Welby.


24 April 2024

Windows 11 - Microsoft has finally found a way of making it even more rubbish!

A recent update sees Windows 11 now displays adverts via the Start menu for all users. The recent KB5036980 optional update enabled this function and features 'recommendations' that advertise apps listed in the Microsoft store. Though this update is optional for now, one may speculate that Microsoft could eventually make this a mandatory update. 

It also seems that the company has implemented this with little time to gather feedback from its Beta users. The developers initially implemented this change in its Windows 11 preview build 22635.3495 two weeks ago, which gives very little time to gather sufficient feedback from a limited set of Beta testers. Hence, one would question the company's haste in implementing this. 

Microsoft is ready to introduce updates and features via the highly anticipated Windows 11 24H2 build. However, decisions like introducing adverts would bring sour experiences and perspectives about the operating system. For now, this new feature can be disabled by turning off the 'Show recommendations for tips, app promotions, and more' option.

Microsoft claims it is displaying ads from a small set of curated developers, though that list would likely expand once it is set as a mandatory update. It also doesn't explain how it determines these recommendations- either based on the user's choice of activities and apps or based on different parameters. There's also the likely possibility that the team may reverse this decision in the future.


Why are PC manufacturers so keen on built in Artificial Intelligence?


While vast swathes of the computer industry remain hellbent on inflating the AI PC hype bubble, the response from some analysts and biz consumers is milder as they sit on the side to see how the first generation tech shapes up.

Gartner told us recently that it expects AI to this year generate revenue for the infrastructure kit makers - think servers, storage and so on - as they prepare for wider adoption of model training or generative AI applications.

As for on-device AI breathing new life into PC sales, a part of the market that has only recently emerged from a two-year slump, this isn't going to be a big driver. In fact, device spending is forecast to grow just 3.6 percent year on year in 2024.

Ranjit Atwal, Gartner research director focused on the impact of Gen on AI PCs, told The Register today: "If PC vendors insist on charging a premium for AI PCs without demonstrable benefits, then business will buy no-AI PCs or those with lower specs.

"Those buying [the PCs] have got to make a choice," he added.


15 April 2024

How can I have assurance of my salvation?

How can you have assurance of salvation? Consider 1 John 5:11–13: “And this is the testimony: God has given us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. He who has the Son has life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have life. I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God so that you may know that you have eternal life.” Who is it that has the Son? It is those who have believed in Him (John 1:12). If you have Jesus, you have life. Not temporary life, but eternal.

God wants us to have assurance of our salvation. We should not live our Christian lives wondering and worrying each day whether or not we are truly saved. That is why the Bible makes the plan of salvation so clear. Believe in Jesus Christ (John 3:16; Acts 16:31). “If you declare with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved” (Romans 10:9). Have you repented? Do you believe that Jesus died to pay the penalty for your sins and rose again from the dead (Romans 5:8; 2 Corinthians 5:21)? Do you trust Him alone for salvation? If your answer to these questions is “yes,” you are saved! Assurance means freedom from doubt. By taking God’s Word to heart, you can have no doubt about the reality of your eternal salvation.

Want to know more about God's plan of salvation? Request a FREE Bible: if  you would like a free Bible for yourself or someone you know, please fill out the form on this link.


10 April 2024

Spring updates to your office? Look no further!


Embarking on an office refresh is not merely a visual upgrade; it’s a rejuvenation of the work environment. The tactile experience of a well-designed workspace stimulates productivity and fosters a positive mindset.

Implementing an office refresh does not need to break the bank. We prioritise great value, curating a quality range of budget-friendly products, without compromising on durability and style.

Whether you’re looking to do a complete office fit-out, or just looking to make small changes, our strategically chosen range of products provides all you need, from storage and versatile desk solutions through to ergonomically designed seating.


01 April 2024

The Chosen: “I AM the resurrection and the life.” (Season 4 Scene)


Martha never doubted Jesus could work a miracle - even if that meant raising the dead. But she never expected Him to BE the miracle itself. Instead of saying, “Yes, I’ll bring your brother back to life,” He said, “I AM the resurrection and the life.” We’d call that a mic drop, but it’s more like dropping an entire mic factory.

Adapted from John chapter 11, this incredible moment from Season 4, Episode 7 sets the stage for not only the raising of Lazarus, but for Jesus coming out of His own grave…and on that note, happy Easter!

He is risen!

The Chosen Team